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Non-Surgical Hair Treatments
Best Hair Loss & Hair Treatment Clinic in Atlanta
Losing Your Hair? Don’t Lose Your Mind!
The best way to complement smooth, glowing skin is with a healthy, lustrous head of hair. As an Indian man or woman, you have never before had more hair-care products and styling options at your disposal. Whether you like to wear your hair straight, natural, braided, weaved, with extensions, in cornrows, or in twists — or some combination of these — your hair texture and cultural inheritance make it possible to experiment with a great variety of styles. The causes of hair loss in modern times can be many – hereditary, stress, poor dietary choices, alopathic medicines, hormonal changes, rough weather, chemicals in hair treatment products, the list goes on. But fortunately men and women are realizing they do not have to be a victim of hair loss. With good education and the right hair restoration treatments from a qualified and experienced hair replacement doctor at Dr. Challa's office, you can restore your hair and your confidence. The causes of and treatments for hair loss are different for every individual. They also vary for men and women. To receive proper hair loss treatment, it is critical that you get an accurate diagnosis. Get started now with your free hair restoration consultation
Hair Loss Causes
Hair Loss is Very Common
Over 50% of men and women in Mumbai suffer from some form of hair loss, but it does not affect men and woman equally. Hair loss mostly affects men — approximately 70% — and it can sometimes effects boys and men as young as 18. Hair loss in women is distributed over the entire skull and is less noticeable.There can be many causes for hair loss in men and women. In most cases hair loss is a result of androgenic alopecia, but other things can cause hair loss, such as: a disease of the scalp or hair, chronic telogen effluvium, alopecia, pseudopelada, trichotylomanie, alopecia Congenital triangular, lichen, upus, alopecia fibrotic band, hormonal problem, endocrine and metabolic disease, anemia, etc.
Other common causes of hair loss include:
  • Male pattern baldness
  • Trauma
  • Chemicals
  • Medications such as allopurinol (Zyloprim) and warfarin (Coumadin)
  • Poor nutrition
  • Stress, for example, during a major illness
  • Scars
Uncommon causes of alopecia include:
  • Poor blood flow
  • Infections such as syphilis
  • Skin diseases such as lupus
  • Cancers
  • Hormone problems
  • Kidney failure
  • Liver failure
Hair Loss Treatments
Various hair restoration treatments, techniques, and procedures exist to help men and women restore their hair.
These include the following:
Cover-ups: Another way to give the impression that one has more hair. These can be anythingfrom simply coloring or tattooing the scalp, or adding a powdered form of synthetic hair fibers.
Medications: We have many medicines for hair loss. Depending upon the type of hair loss, adoctor may prescribe a medicine or recommend an over-the-counter medication.
Various Hair Transplant Surgeries
Hair Loss Terms and Definitions
Alopecia simply means “hair loss” and may be used to refer to all types of hair loss.
This stands for Dihydrotestosterone, which has been shown to be the cause of many men’s hair loss.
This is simply the root of the hair shaft (buried deep in the skin). Each scalp has approximately 100,000 follicles prior to losing them.
Hair Cell Cycle:
Each follicle and hair grows, rests, and then falls out. All within a several year period, and starts all over again.
Pattern Hair Loss:
This is just another name for the most common type of hair loss seen in both men and wo men. DHT (see above) is the culprit here.
Sebaceous Gland:
This comes from the Latin word “Sebum,” meaning animal fat. It’s basically the oil gland, which each follicle and hair contain.
Before determining any treatment or cure for hair loss, a clear diagnosis should be r diagnosis.
At Dr. Challa's office we offer the following treatments for hair loss:
1. Laser Hair Therapy
Low level laser hair therapy (LLLT) is a revolutionary, non-surgical breakthrough for both men and women suffering the devastating effects of hair loss. Now it is easier than ever to achieve thicker, fuller, hinier, and healthier looking hair. Learn more about Laser hair therapy here. Dr. Challa's Hair loss clinic in Atlanta before and after pic.
2. Mesotherapy
Mesotherapy is a technique of giving tinymicro-injections and injecting the useful substance directly under the skin(Mesoderm). The main advantage here is that the drug reaches the target site directly without substantial losses from the other body parts. Learn more about Mesotherapy here.
3. Advanced Root Rejuvenation
Androgenetic Alopecia, the most common cause of hair fall in both men and women always follows a specific pattern and accordingly has been graded into the various grades of the Male pattern and Female pattern hair loss. As the grade of hair loss in a person increases, the treatment has to be modified accordingly keeping in mind the current grade of hair loss and the most appropriate therapy for that grade. Learn more about Advanced Root Rejuvenation here.

To find out more about Non-Surgical Hair Treatment book a consultation by calling Dr. Challa's office.